Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Face of Cornell Law: Andy Bernard?

I agree with pretty much everyone else that the Law School made a mistake in choosing Office character Andy Bernard to promote their image on their home page. Regardless of the fact that Bernard attended Cornell undergrad, not law, he is essentially a moron who claims to have spent his Big Red days engaged in drinking and a cappella antics.

(On the plus side, the controversy has increased traffic to the Law School homepage, thereby increasing the chance that people will read about the prison class for which I'm a TA.)

HuffPo got in on the discussion (but referred to AboveTheLaw as "legal scholars"?!?), as did gossip site TMZ.

The promotion is now off the Law School site.

I'm guessing that someone didn't like having to read the 52 percent more applications this year, and decided that the Andy Bernard promotion will make sure that fewer people apply next cycle.