Tuesday, June 9, 2009

My Polling Station Is Featured on Wonkette!

This evening, I spent 4 hours standing outside a polling station in Crystal City, passing out literature for one of the candidates for lieutenant governor. (As of right now, my candidate is behind by 52 percent.)

Turnout was absolutely dismal. In four hours, I encountered no more than 50 voters. It took me 45 minutes to pass out my first piece of literature. And I was supposed to have been there for the evening "rush" hour.

The combination on severe thunderstorms and flooding in the morning, followed by more severe thunderstorms and flooding in the evening (it rained from 5-7 pm), as well as general disinterest in the election, kept people away from the polls.

Today, Wonkette actually has a picture of my exact polling location in Crystal City, combined with a description of what it was like today:
[Reader] Ben notes, “As you can see, no one wants to vote in Crystal City. These pictures were taken around noon. As a comparison, at 5:45 AM on Nov. 4, there were people lined up about 100 feet outside of that door; there are like three rooms between you and your ballot, once you get in that door. There was literally no one in there to vote, except for me, and there were 5-6 old people there to help them vote and give them stickers and stuff.”
Oh, well.

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