Friday, April 3, 2009

Hockey 101: Planning Your Schedule

Well, my schedule really. But I'm hoping there will be a larger contingent of students making it to the road games next year.

If a course meets on Friday afternoons, it's better to take it in Fall '09 than in Spring '10. This fall, you only have to make it to Yale and RPI for Friday night games. Yale is about 5 hours and RPI is 3 hours, so you really only have one long trip to worry about.

Next spring, however, you have to make it to Clarkson, Quinnipiac, and Harvard for Friday night games. There's also potential for a road playoff series, and thinking optimistically, a chance of a Friday afternoon NCAA regional game. If your class doesn't end until 2:40 or (heaven forbid) 4:10 on Fridays, you'll be missing a lot of classes.

So take that MWF 2:30-3:20 class this fall instead of next spring. Your professors will thank you.

Edit: For a longer discussion of sports and the academic calendar, see Cory Bennett's recent column.

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